Step 1
Finely grind your favorite Gento coffee (fine like table salt).
Measure 17g of finely ground coffee or one Aeropress scoup.
Begin boiling water to about 205°F.

Step 2
Get the AeroPress ready to brew by placing the filter in the basket and rinse the filter with warm water.
Affix the basket to the bottom of the brew chamber and place it on top of the mug.
If it’s handy, use the funnel (or coffee loader) that comes with the AeroPress to add 17g of coffee. Then, remove the funnel.

Step 3
Start your timer when you pour hot water (just off the boil) into the Aeropress.
Make sure to saturate all the grounds and fill to the number 4.
Stir the coffee and water a couple of times and place the top on. Allow it to brew without pressing.
Step 4
After a short 1:30 minute gently press down with steady pressure, stopping as soon as you hear a hissing sound.
Now serve and Enjoy!