Step 1
Grind & Measure
Grind your favorite Gento Coffee (Medium-fine). Heat water (205-210 F).
2 cups - 30g of Gento Coffee / 500ml of hot water
3 cups - 45g of Gento Coffee / 750ml of hot water

Step 2
Dampen Filter
Place the V-60 filter inside the dripper. Wet filter with hot water to rinse, and then discard rinse water.

Step 3
Add Coffee
Add ground coffee inside filter and add 60ml of water, let sit for 45 seconds to allow "bloom".

Step 4
Add Water
Starting in the center, pouring in gentle circles, add the rest of the hot water around 100g at a time, pausing for about 10 seconds between pours, until you reach the desired total water weight. Aim to have all the water poured in about 3:00 -3:30 mins depending on brew size.

Step 5
Remove v-60, swirl, and serve!
Enjoy a delicious cup of coffee!
NOTE: If the coffee tastes too strong adjust the grind coarser. If the coffee tastes too weak, adjust to a finer grind.